Mayor's Office
Duties of a Mayor with an Administrator
The duties of a mayor in a municipality with an administrator are as follows:
- The mayor shall serve as the chief executive officer of the city, performing executive responsibilities by monitoring the activities of the administrator and the various departments of city government to see that city ordinances and state laws are enforced. This requires knowledge of city ordinances and state laws and a procedure for monitoring municipal activities.
- The mayor shall serve as the policy leader for the community, providing policy information and recommendations to the council.
- The mayor shall preside over the city council.
- The mayor shall vote in the event of a tie vote by the council.
- The mayor shall have the authority to veto ordinances passed by the council.
- The mayor shall serve as the chief representative of the city in relations with the media.
- The mayor shall represent that city in meetings with and presentations to other governmental units, businesses, community groups, and other groups.
- The mayor shall work with residents of the community in receiving their comments and complaints and seeking appropriate responses, in conjunction with the administrator and, if desired, the council.
- The mayor shall perform any other duties not specified here that are defined in Chapter 62.09 (8).