Park Reservation & Special Events

Special Event Application

The Splash Pad and bathrooms are open Memorial Day through Labor Day. Any events reserved before Memorial Day or after Labor Day are not guaranteed that the bathrooms or Splash Pad will be running, that is determined by the weather and the Parks Superindented.

This reservation form is for individual reservations ONLY.  If you are a non-profit group or organization wanting to rent one of our parks please call City Hall at 608-747-2706.  All events on City Property that have 50 or more people expected are required to fill out a Special Event Application.  


Park Rules

1.Park Hours 8:00am to 10:00pm (unless prior permission granted)

2.No Glass Containers or Bottles

3.No Motor Vehicles in Park

4.After Application is Approved and Fee is paid “Reserved” Signs will be Posted on the Day of Event

5.Any Damage to Park will be Charged to Authorized Party

6.City is Not Responsible for Lost or Stolen Articles

7.Any City Official May Enter Premises for official business

8.Parks Must Be Cleaned After Use

9.No Unlawful Conduct


Reservations cannot be guaranteed until fee is paid.  Please call 608-847-6676 to make sure parks are available prior to submitting form.  The online park availability calendar is updated daily as well.


Address *
Will this event involve the sale or use of alcoholic beverages?

If yes, will alcoholic beverages be sold

Total Due:
I understand the rules as set forth above and agree to abide by these rules.

* - denotes required field