Control Burn

City of Mauston Fire Department

The City of Mauston has a paid on call Fire Department which is responsible for providing fire protection, emergency response, fire inspections, and training for volunteer fire fighters. The department is not broken into separate operations, given the simplicity of the organization. The Department does provide service to the surrounding rural area.

To join the Mauston Fire Department stop by City Hall and fill out a Job Application. 



City of Mauston ISO Public Protection Classification Rating

Effective September 2015, the City of Mauston Fire Department earned a Public Protection Classification Rating of Class 03/3Y. This classification number applies to all properties in the classified area with a needed fire flow of 3,500 gpm or less. ISO has advised its subscribing insurers of this classification allowing them to incorporate the change into their policy rating systems.

How the Public Protection Classification (PPC) Rating is Determined

ISO’s PPC program evaluates communities according to a uniform set of three major criteria classifications: fire alarm and communications system; fire department; and water supply system. ISO objectively reviews the fire suppression capabilities of a community and assigns a PPC between 1 and 10. Class 1 represents exemplary fire protection, and Class 10 indicates that the area’s fire suppression program does not meet minimum recognition criteria.

Mauston’s fire department scored as follows in each of the three categories:

Fire alarm and communications system 6.25 of possible 10 credits

Fire department organization/structure 29.89 of possible 50 credits

Water supply 37.30 of possible 40 credits